Evaluation of the human interaction with automated vehicles on highways





autonomous vehicles, driving simulator


Human-driven vehicles (HVs) will be interacting with automated vehicles (AVs) at AV market penetrations between 0% and 100%. However, little is known about how HVs interact with AVs. This study addresses knowledge gaps related to how HVs will interact with AVs on highways. The research was conducted in Oregon State University's Passenger Car Driving Simulator. Additionally, a Shimmer3 GSR+ sensor was used to measure participants' galvanic skin response (GSR). Two independent variables (i.e. leading vehicle speed and autonomy) were selected and resulted in a 2x2 factorial design. Participants were also exposed to two hard-braking scenarios: one with a leading HV and one with a leading AV. A post-drive survey included questions about the participant's level of comfort following HVs and AVs. The driving simulator experiment was successfully completed by 36 participants. Results from the linear mixed model show that driver level of stress was 70% higher in hard-brake scenarios involving HVs versus AVs. Of the 78 hard-braking scenarios tested in this study, 10 crashes were observed (4 with an HV, 6 with an AV). Half of the participants involved in a crash with an HV perceived the leading vehicle to be at fault, while all the participants who crashed with an AV blamed themselves for the error. Additionally, drivers over the age of 34.5 were found to give AVs 2% larger headways than HVs, while younger drivers gave AVs 18% smaller headways than HVs. Zero participants above the age of 34.5 years self-reported being ‘unconcerned’ when following an AV in the post-drive survey, while 38% of participants under the age of 34.5 did. This study supports the need for a better understanding of how human drivers will interact with AVs to calibrate human driver models when AV market penetrations are between 0% and 100%.


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Author Biographies

Cadell Chand, Oregon State University, the United States of America

Cadell Chand received his M.S. at Oregon State University. His research interests cover traffic safety, MaaS, emerging technology, human factors, and active transportation. He is currently a Traffic Analyst at Washington County, OR and serves on the Oregon Traffic Control Devices Committee.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing—original draft.

Hisham Jashami, Oregon State University, the United States of America

Hisham Jashami is an Assistant Professor (Sr Res) at Oregon State University. Dr. Hisham Jashami's research has been focused on areas related to transportation safety, human factors, driving and bicycling simulators, autonomous vehicles, data visualization, and statistical methods. During the course of his academic career, Dr. Jashami worked on externally funded research from agencies including the Federal Highway Administration, the National High-way Traffic Safety Administration, the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans), and various State Departments of Transportation, e.g. Oregon DOT and Michi-gan DOT. This research has led to the publication of over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports. He is a certified Road Safety Professional Engineer.

CRediT contribution: Data curation, Formal analysis, Resources, Validation, Visualization, Writing—original draft.

Haizhong Wang, Oregon State University, the United States of America

Haizhong Wang is a Professor at Oregon State University. Dr. Haizhong Wang conducts research in the areas of traffic flow modeling and simulation from both deterministic and stochastic perspectives, transportation system planning and travel behavior analysis, traffic system control and optimization, intelligent transportation system in particular the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicle on traffic operation and infrastructure management, emergency evacuation and disaster response in particular the evacuee decision-making behavior under emergent scenarios through agent-based modeling and simulation, and post-disaster transportation network resiliency and recovery problems.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing—review & editing.

David Hurwitz, Oregon State University, the United States of America

David Hurwitz is a Professor of transportation engineering, Director of the Kiewit Center for Infrastructure and Transportation Research, and Director of the Driving and Bicycling Research Laboratory in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University. Dr. Hurwitz conducts research in the areas of transportation safety, transportation human factors, traffic control devices, bicycles and pedestrians, and commercial motor vehicles. In particular, Dr. Hurwitz is interested in the consideration of user behavior in the design, evaluation, and innovation of surface transportation systems.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Writing—review & editing.


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How to Cite

Chand, C., Jashami, H., Wang, H., & Hurwitz, D. (2025). Evaluation of the human interaction with automated vehicles on highways. Traffic Safety Research, 9, e000078. https://doi.org/10.55329/xwwy8052

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