How to reduce pedestrian fatalities: a case-by-case study to evaluate the potential of vehicle and road infrastructure interventions




accident analysis, intervention, pedestrian injury, traffic safety


In line with the UN’s global goals on sustainability several initiatives are promoting walking. However, if effective interventions are not implemented an increased number of pedestrians will lead to more road casualties. It is important to take appropriate decisions on interventions to reach Vision Zero adopted by the Swedish Government. This study describes the characteristics of fatal crashes with pedestrians on Swedish roads and investigates the potential of different vehicle and road infrastructure interventions to save lives. The Swedish Transport Administration (STA) in-depth database of fatal crashes was used for a case-by-case investigation. Out of the 226 fatally injured pedestrians during 2011–2016 in Sweden the most common accident scenario was a vehicle hitting a pedestrian while crossing the road. Most crashes occurred in darkness on rural roads (63%), but for urban areas the majority (53%) occurred in daylight. In general, interventions related to vehicle speed were found to address a larger proportion of the studied pedestrian fatalities on urban roads compared to on rural roads, while separated pedestrian paths outside the carriageway were found to address a larger proportion on rural roads compared to on urban roads. The intervention with the largest total potential was pedestrian crossings with speed calming measures for the motor vehicles, which had the potential to address 36% of the identified fatalities. A reduced speed limit in combination with speed calming interventions had the potential to prevent 29% of the studied fatalities while separate pedestrian paths outside the carriageway had the potential to prevent approximately 15%. It was estimated that the vehicle safety technology with the highest potential was autonomous emergency braking with pedestrian detection for passenger cars. With this system available on all cars, 58% of the studied fatalities could potentially be prevented. Most (up to 93%) of the studied fatally injured pedestrians could potentially be saved with known vehicle safety and road infrastructural technologies. However, the analysis of the potential effect of interventions show that it will take a long time until the advanced and potentially effective vehicle safety technologies will be widely spread. This shows the importance of speeding up the implementation. A fast implementation of effective interventions in the road infrastructure is also necessary, preferably using a plan for prioritization. There are two main approaches of doing that, separating road user groups, or reducing vehicle speeds in areas with mixed rod user groups to survivable levels, which is recommended to be 30km/h. There is a need to identify areas where most pedestrian accidents occur and then use the most effective interventions. The results of this study could be helpful in this process.


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Author Biographies

Helena Stigson, Folksam Insurance Group, Sweden | Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Helena Stigson is a researcher at Folksam Insurance Group and has a PhD at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. She is an associate professor at the vehicle safety division at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. Her research area is mainly analysis of real-world crashes with a special focus on injury prevention for bicyclists and pedestrians.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Validation, Writing—original draft.

Maria Klingegård, Folksam Insurance Group, Sweden | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Maria Klingegård is a researcher at Folksam Insurance Group and has a PhD in information technology from Örebro University. She is associate to the Integrated Transport Research Lab, KTH, Sweden. Maria performs research in the intersection between human and technology and investigates its effect on traffic safety.

CRediT contribution: Formal analysis, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing.

Anders Kullgren, Folksam Insurance Group, Sweden | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Anders Kullgren has been working as a traffic safety researcher at Folksam since 1988 and since 1995 as head of the research department. Since 2011 he also has a position as an adjunct professor at Chalmers University of Technology (20%). The research is primarily based on real-world crash data, including crashworthiness analyses of cars and effectiveness studies of various safety technologies.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Writing—original draft, Validtion, Writing—review & editing.


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How to Cite

Stigson, H., Klingegård, M., & Kullgren, A. (2023). How to reduce pedestrian fatalities: a case-by-case study to evaluate the potential of vehicle and road infrastructure interventions. Traffic Safety Research, 5, e000023.

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