COPE membership
Traffic Safety Research is accepted as a member of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
Safe System is considered to be the state-of-the-art when it comes to road safety management at all levels. However, its implementation raises many questions. Transition to the Safe System is often met with resistance or misunderstanding by practitioners or politicians, incompatibility with the current practices and need for their update, lack of knowledge or good examples of how Safe System could be applied for specific road safety problems and risks.
This volume aims to raise awareness and the scientific level of the discussion related to the Safe System transition.
The volume was handled by the regular TSR editorial team.
Traffic Safety Research is accepted as a member of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
TSR calls for submission to a special volume on ‘Traffic safety in low- and middle-income countries’.
ISSN 2004-3082 (online) |