Motivations of pedestrians for safe use of highway crossing: an application of the behaviour change model COM-B in Bangladesh
COM-B model, crossing facilities, LMICs, road fatalities, safe crossing behaviourAbstract
In Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), approximately 93% of global road fatalities occur. As the population of students and workers in these countries continues to grow, walking becomes a prevalent mode of transportation for their daily commutes to schools and workplaces. Bangladesh faces the challenge of pedestrian fatalities, particularly among students and workers, while they cross medium-to-high speed roads during their daily journeys. This research aims to enhance highway crossing design and promote safe crossing behaviour in Bangladesh. The study utilises the COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Behaviour) model to collect self-reported attitudinal responses from 302 pedestrians who regularly encounter different crossings, including zebra crossings, footbridges, underpasses, and non-priority crossings. These data collection sites are situated along two major highways in Bangladesh. The developed conceptual model in this study focuses on understanding the interplay between Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation, explaining 42% of the variance in the Target Behaviour of safe crossing use and 34.5% in Motivation. The analysis underscores the crucial role of Opportunity in predicting safe crossing use, followed by Motivation and Capability. Furthermore, the study examines the influence of COM-B factors on three essential components of the Target Behaviour: avoiding violations in using nearby crossings, aggressions, and lapses. The findings indicate that physical opportunity plays a vital role in avoiding violations in using nearby crossings, while social opportunity plays a vital role in avoiding aggressions and lapses. Motivation is a key mediator between Capability and Opportunity when predicting safe crossing use. To promote safe crossing practices, designers should focus on Motivation factors such as satisfaction, benefits realisation, and habit formation to maximise the benefits. The study emphasises the necessity for comprehensive interventions, which involve designing pedestrian-friendly infrastructure through various measures. These measures include improving visibility, reducing crossing times, ensuring accessibility, strategically placing traffic signs and fencing, and incorporating refuge areas. Additionally, the study highlights the significant role of social opportunities in safe crossing use by considering appropriate strategies to leverage social elements to motivate pedestrians by involving influential individuals, collaborating with families and institutions, facilitating group crossings, and implementing safety alert reminders. Moreover, social elements impact pedestrians' physical and psychological capabilities for safe crossing practice, as revealed in the study. Overall, the study highlights the potential of the COM-B model and underscores the need for comprehensive interventions to enhance pedestrian safety in LMICs.
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