In-depth analysis of scenarios and injuries in crashes between cyclists and commercial vehicles in Germany




bicycle, bus, crash data analysis, GIDAS, heavy goods vehicle


Large vehicles such as buses and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) pose a serious threat to cyclists and can cause serious injuries. Therefore, it is important to understand current safety issues related to these vehicles, to identify and to develop safety interventions that could address these issues. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of and injuries resulting from crashes between cyclists and buses and HGVs. In this study, the German In-Depth Accident Study (GIDAS) was queried for all cases that involved either a bus or a HGV and where the opponent was a cyclist. In total, 98 crashes with the involvement of both a bus and a cyclist, and 295 cases where both a HGV and a cyclist were involved, were identified for our analysis. The crashes with cyclists typically occur within city limits, during daylight conditions, on dry surfaces and with clear weather. The cyclists involved in these crashes are mainly male and cyclists under 18-years old account for 28% of crashes with buses, and 16% for crashes with HGVs. The most common crash scenarios are crossing scenarios and turning-off-a-road crashes. In bus crashes, the collision speeds are mainly below 35 km/h and injuries to lower extremities and head are dominating, caused by the road surface and the front of the bus. In HGV crashes, collision speeds are most often below 20 km/h and injuries to the head and thorax are most common, mainly caused by being run over.


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Author Biographies

Ron Schindler, Autoliv, Germany

Ron Schindler is a senior research engineer at Autoliv B.V. & Co. KG, Germany. He has a PhD in Traffic Safety from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He has an extensive crash data analysis background with different databases such as the German In-Depth Accident Study (GIDAS), Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition (STRADA) and Community Database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe (CARE). Ron's work focusses on vulnerable road users and heavy goods vehicles.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Validation, Visualization, Writing—original draft.

Hanna Jeppsson, Autoliv Research, Sweden

Hanna Jeppsson is a senior traffic safety research engineer at Autoliv Development AB, Sweden. She has a BSc from University of Borås, Sweden. Her main research area is crash analysis for vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, but also including new mobility devices such as e-scooters. Hanna is particularly interested in modelling the relation between impact circumstances and injury outcome for these and other road users.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Validation, Writing—original draft.


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How to Cite

Schindler, R., & Jeppsson, H. (2024). In-depth analysis of scenarios and injuries in crashes between cyclists and commercial vehicles in Germany. Traffic Safety Research, 7, e000067.