Traffic safety implementation at local level in line with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: synergies, challenges and enablers




goal integration, local authorities, policy implementation, Safe System Approach, sustainable development, traffic safety, Vision Zero


This study explores how traffic safety implementation at local level in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is characterised. By investigating interactions between traffic safety and other sustainability goals (synergies), as well as identifying contradictions between goals and conflicting interests (challenges), the study aims to pinpoint the main enablers for implementing traffic safety as part of sustainability. The emphasis lies on local authorities in Sweden representing a mature traffic safety context when viewed globally. To delve into this issue, interviews were conducted with 37 municipal employees from the city of Gothenburg, encompassing diverse roles that exemplify the significant influence Swedish local authorities wield in shaping traffic safety: as road manager and planner, in maintenance and construction phases, as employer and purchaser, and as influencer of behaviour. The study reveals several synergies between traffic safety and other sustainability goals, as well as contradictions between goals and conflicting interests posing challenges to traffic safety implementation. Main enablers for implementation of traffic safety as part of sustainability at the local level concern, for example, an integrated approach on strategic level where traffic safety could be handled as either a prerequisite (e.g. for active mobility) or a framework condition (e.g. for green cars). The necessity to bridge gaps between strategic and operational levels is also emphasised. Contradicting goals and interests are inevitable and must be managed. The study identifies the traffic strategy and strategic analyses, in the European context referred to as Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, as a platform for traffic safety implementation as part of sustainability. Such platform highlights implementation areas in common for different target areas. The significance of integrating traffic safety in relevant activities and processes, alongside fostering horizontal collaborations across target areas, becomes apparent when striving to embed traffic safety in a wider sustainability context. While Swedish municipalities may not always recognize traffic safety as part of the sustainability agenda, existing platforms within municipalities serve as a foundation for adopting an integrated approach to traffic safety implementation. However, there is a need for a central coordinating function to ensure robust leadership in integrating traffic safety as a vital component of sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Hanna Wennberg, Lund University, Sweden

Hanna Wennberg is a strategist in traffic safety at the Swedish Transport Administration with a focus on collaborative governance and traffic safety as part of sustainable development. She is affiliated with Lund University as an external expert, doing research and supervision. Hanna received her PhD at Lund University in 2009, and continued as consultant and researcher at Trivector Traffic AB. As consultant she has developed several handbooks and tools for practitioners, for example, on planning and design for pedestrians and cyclists as well as concerning systematic traffic safety implementation in public and private organisations including a traffic safety audit for local authorities. As researcher, her focus has been on safety and mobility of older people and on social perspectives in transport planning and traffic safety as well as on policy implementation and evaluation in these areas.

CRediT contribution: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing.

Olivia Dahlholm, Västtrafik AB, Sweden

Olivia Dahlholm is a sustainability strategist specialized in social sustainability at Västtrafik AB, the public transport agency in the region Västra Götaland in Sweden, since May 2023. In her role, she is dedicated to foregrounding the human dimension within the strategic planning framework, striving for the comprehensive integration of social sustainability considerations across all facets of the organization. With a distinguished background, Olivia has previously served as a consultant, focusing on the development of inclusive, safe, and secure transportation systems both through research and consulting projects.

CRediT contribution: Investigation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing.


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How to Cite

Wennberg, H., & Dahlholm, O. (2024). Traffic safety implementation at local level in line with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: synergies, challenges and enablers. Traffic Safety Research, 5, e000055.

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