Modelling self-reported driver perspectives and fatigued driving via deep learning




driver fatigue, fatigue detection, multi-country survey, deep learning, binary logistic regression


Driving while fatigued is a considerably understudied risk factor contributing to car crashes every year. The first step in mitigating the respective crash risks is to attempt to infer fatigued driving from other parameters, in order to gauge its extend in road networks. The aim of this study is to investigate the extent to which declared fatigued driving behavior can be predicted based on overall driver opinions and perceptions on that issue. For that purpose, a broad cross-country questionnaire from the ESRA2 survey was used. The questionnaire is related to self-declared beliefs, perception, and attitudes towards a wide range of traffic safety topics. Initially, a binary logistic regression model was trained to provide causal insights on which variables affect the likelihood that a driver engaged in driving while fatigued. Drivers reporting driving under the influence of drugs, fatigue, or alcohol, as well as speeding, safety, and texting while driving or drivers who were more acceptable of fatigued driving were more likely to have recently driven while fatigued. In contrast, acceptability of other hazardous behaviors, namely mobile phone use and drunk driving, was negatively correlated with fatigued driving behavior, as were more responsible driver perspectives overall. To provide a more accurate detection mechanism, which would also incorporate non-linear effects, a Deep Neural Network (DNN) was subsequently trained on the data, slightly outperforming the binary logistic model. From the results of both models, it was concluded that declared fatigued driving behavior can be predicted from questionnaire data, providing new insights to fatigue detection.


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Author Biographies

Alexandros Zoupos, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Alexandros Zoupos is currently studying Electronics and Electrical Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. He was a two-month intern at the National Technical University of Athens at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering. His interests include Data Analysis research in R, as well as scientific programming in Python. Recently, he has engaged in machine learning programming.

Apostolos Ziakopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Dr. Apostolos Ziakopoulos, PhD, MSc DIC, is a Research Associate at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA majoring in Transportation Engineering (2013). He holds a Master of Science – DIC in Transport from Imperial College London and University College London (2014). His Ph.D. dissertation was in spatial analysis of road safety and traffic behavior from NTUA (2020). His main research interests involve road crash analyses, statistical and spatial modelling and traffic engineering. He has participated in 8 research and engineering projects and has published 55 papers in scientific journals, textbooks and conferences.

George Yannis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Professor George Yannis is a Full Professor in Traffic Safety and Management with particular focus on data management and analysis at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. He has contributed extensively in more than 245 research and engineering projects and studies and in several scientific committees of the European Commission and other International Organizations (UN/ECE, OECD, WHO, World Bank, EIB, CEDR, ERF, UITP, ETSC, ECTRI, WCTR, TRB). He has published more than 640 scientific papers (more than 200 in scientific journals) widely cited worldwide.


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How to Cite

Zoupos, A., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2021). Modelling self-reported driver perspectives and fatigued driving via deep learning. Traffic Safety Research, 1, 000003.



Research article
