
Increase road safety or reduce road danger: challenging the mainstream road safety discourse

University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Handling editor: Aliaksei Laureshyn, Lund University, Sweden


Published: 19 August 2024

The following correction has been made to the article e000043, vol. 5, 2024, (published on 5 March 2024, updated on 18 March 2024):

1. A supporting reference is provided to statement about Dorothee Bär, German Secretary for Traffic and Infrastructure, claiming the number of people affected by one traffic death.

The original text on page 9 is changed from:

As Dorothee Bär stated as German Secretary for Traffic and Infrastructure: ‘When somebody dies in a traffic crash, on average 11 family members, 4 close friends, 56 friends and acquaintances, and 42 rescue workers are permanently affected by this heavy fate.’


As Dorothee Bär stated as German Secretary for Traffic and Infrastructure: ‘When somebody dies in a traffic crash, on average 11 family members, 4 close friends, 56 friends and acquaintances, and 42 rescue workers are permanently affected by this heavy fate’ (Bormann, 2017).

The author acknowledges that while the reference confirms the fact of public speaking and announcing these numbers, it does not provide any information on the underlying research that produced them.